Host your own game or play on the dedicated servers Reconnect to disconnected multiplayer games Steam friend matchmaking Save and load multiplayer games for the quick lunch time battle Enable shared unit control between allies. Watch recorded multiplayer replays and save at any point to start playing from Full cross-platform multiplayer between the Windows, Linux and Android versions. This game is absalutely amazing. the short fun maches are awsome,the ai is great, the maps are stable and functional, with clear themes and quirks,and the tech tree is great. i love this game. it’s an amazing throwback to older rts games, such as supreme comander. the game is awsome with mechanics that are easy to learn. and the topdown veiw is imersive,and the games animation realy makes it fell like im looking down. a absolutely recomend this game. And on top of that,the game will never get boring.with the huge modding community, posibilitys are endless i recomend three mods that are awsome for new players. lead heads, ek slyvan mettle, and stone heads. the mods are easaly manged,and the game can support them. one last thing, the game runs extreamly smoothly. and it can support more than 2000 units. that advertising does not kid. i reccomed this game to anyone and evryone.

Features and System Requirements:

Create your own battles With many upgrades New story

1 :: Download Game 2 :: Extract Game 3 :: Launch The Game 4 :: Have Fun 🙂

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